Tamil Nadu Adi Dravidar Housing & Development Corporation Ltd.
ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Company
Citizen's Charter
Out of the total population of 6.20 crores in Tamil Nadu, Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes constitute 20% of the population as per 2001 census. In order to improve the living conditions of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes by improving the income earning capacities through Income Generating Programme and improving human skills through training programmes, TAHDCO provides financial assistance to both the programmes. The importance of this charter is to educate the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes about the details of schemes implemented by TAHDCO and to know the officers to be approached for assistance.
TAHDCO schemes have been decentralised and formulated at the district level for the economic development of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes under the dynamic leadership of District Collectors, in the form of District Action Plans in accordance with the local needs, local potential and availability of resources. The amount for this plan is allocated to the districts based on Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes population, so as to ensure that there is no unbalance and there is rational distribution of selection of beneficiaries throughout the state.
District level workshops is also being held in all districts, as a consultative forum, to evolve localized strategies and plan for the economic development of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes. All the schemes in the District Action Plans have categorized into the following 9 activities for the purpose of monitoring.
S.No | Scheme | Eligibility | Whom to Approach |
1 | Land Purchase Scheme | SC/ST women Below Poverty Line in the age group of 18-55 years.Detailed guidelines are given in G.O. (enclosed) | District Manager, TAHDCO |
2 | Agricultural Activities including Land Purchase Scheme |
i) Individual SC/ST living Below Poverty Line. Annual family income Rs.18,460/- in rural areas Rs.28,536/- in urban areas. ii) Self-Help Groups with 100% SC/ST members recognized by ‘Mahalir Thittam’ |
3 | Agricultural Allied Activities | ||
4 | Mining and Quarrying | ||
5 | Manufacturing / Processing / Services/Repairs | ||
6 | Construction Activities | ||
7 | Trade and Commerce | ||
8 | Transport, Storage and Communication | ||
9 | Other services |
- These schemes are eligible for individuals and Self Help Groups. Under each of the above activity, several schemes are being implemented by the District Administration.
- The Land Purchase Scheme is a new programme of TAHDCO implemented during the current year.The details of this scheme is given separately under the head "Land Purchase Scheme".
- Out of the total economic assistance, the 80% is allocated to this head, among which 25% is allocated to individuals and the remaining 75% to Self Help Groups.
Vocational training courses leading to high potential of job employment and self-employment have been organised in all districts at prominent institutions by the Committee headed by the District Collectors. The candidates are selected by District Level Committee from the employment exchange and through open advertisement. The entire training cost is borne by TAHDCO. In addition, stipend is also provided to the trainees.
Vocational training course were of high employment potential for long durations such as 6 months to one year are offered Air Hostess, Nursing Assistants, Medical Lab Technicians, Computer Software/Hardware, Catering Technology, Apparel Design, Plastic Engineering, Hotel Management, Electrician, Motor Mechanics, etc. are some of the training courses organised.
On completion of the training programmes, TAHDCO’s financial assistance scheme is also made available to all the trainees, to enable those who are willing and able to start self-employment ventures.
Self-Help Groups
TAHDCO has facilitated Self Help Groups through financial assistance for employment ventures and to empower themselves by taking up a wide variety of economic activities such as
- Purchasing land for cultivation
- Coir making / Mat weaving
- Agro Processing units
- Restaurants / Provision Stores
- Transport activities, Mini Bus, Share Autos
- Power loom, Leather goods, Brick kilns
- Tea cultivation, Flowers, Vegetables cultivation Floriculture etc.
S.No | Programme | Training Period | Eligibility | Whom to be approached |
1 | Training for setting up self-employment Projects – Individuals | 6 months to 1 year | SC / ST | District Manager, TAHDCO |
2 | Entrepreneurship Development Programme Training – Self Help Groups | 7 days | SC / ST Groups |
To enable the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes women members of Self Help Groups to undertake such self employment ventures, TAHDCO is providing ‘Entrepreneurship Development Programmes’ Training for 7 days to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes women members of Self Help Groups in association with Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women. Thereafter, suitable vocational training are also arranged for them depending on the choice of their economic activities.
Training Organised By Head Office
TAHDCO’s Head Office also provides assistance to SC/STs for high employability Vocational Training Programmes in reputed/ Popular State/ Central Institutions at Chennai for the residents living all over Tamil Nadu.
Revolving Fund Assistance to Self Help Groups
Revolving Fund assistance is provided to SC/ST members Self Help Groups if it has been recognised by Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women under Mahalir Thittam. Out of the total assistance of Rs.25,000/- to each group, Rs.10,000/- is being provided as subsidy and the remaining Rs.15,000/- as loan through bank.
Collector’s Discretionary Fund
The District Collectors were allotted with this fund to help the highly marginalised Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the district those are beyond the reach of regular schemes so as to start small Income Generating Programme with 100% subsidy subject to a maximum of Rs.10,000/-.
National Schemes
TAHDCO acts as a State Channelising Agency in implementing the National Schemes of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India. The Schemes are: